It is now 0356 and I have been awake for about 30 minutes now. It is Tuesday morning after Memorial Day weekend. Our weekend was full of house cleaning. Caleb became more helpful after my trip to the hospital. I was able to get almost all of the laundry washed. I washed a lot of dishes. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like I have cleaned at all. Caleb's messes were not cleaned up. He has trash and dishes all over his bedroom floor. He doesn't want to put his clothes away until his room is clean. I think I washed all of the towels. I just have to wash the sleeping bags and comforters from Caleb's room.
On Saturday Caleb and I changed Nana's mattress protector and put a clean sheet on her bed for her. Caleb voluntarily cleaned under Nana's bed. Caleb helped me change my mattress protector and put a clean sheet on it too. I was able to bake the chicken quarters in the late morning before it got too hot in the house. I felt so much better. I was able to walk around without pain. My back did not hurt. I was able to get the laundry done and going by myself. Otherwise it is too hard to bend over and pick things up. We went to Amsterdam Life and Food Lion. I was tired by the end of the day. My medication really makes a difference. I am now taking Methocarbamol, a muscle relaxer, for my pain. I started taking the trash out of my bedroom, and began organizing the stuff I have on the floor.
Sunday we worked more slowly after such a busy Saturday. I made pork chops for dinner. We got even more laundry washed, dried, and folded. There were not as many arguments and fights as normal for Caleb. He was more helpful. It was awesome! Carla and Tyrone came over and we studied with them.
Monday was harder to get moving than Sunday, and we were even slower to get things accomplished. We got the laundry going. I washed some dishes. I cooked some fresh green beans to go with the pork chop leftovers.
I still have a lot to get done. Today will be a busy day. Caleb has his 8th grade award ceremony today. I have a doctor's appointment with my psychiatrist that is virtual. Caleb has his new therapist coming over after school.
The living room does not look better, but I have cleared a lot of laundry from the laundry room, and cleared most of the path to the back door. Caleb took the trash and recycling out as I directed.
Last week I got in touch with USAA regarding the car accident, and made my recorded statement. I clearly stated that 1) I was not the driver, 2) I was not in the car, 3) I was not at the accident, and 4) I told Christinia not to let anyone else drive my car.
Friday I had the phone call appointment for Caleb's Social Security claim. I found out that I make too much money for him to get approved.
Traffic is really picking up as tourists start visiting for the Summer.
Caleb only has 2 days of school left this school year and he's done for the Summer!
I am going to continue cleaning today while Caleb is at school. I need to hop in the shower and do what my dad says, "Defunk and re-rag!"
I've been able to slow down this weekend, and pace myself. It's been great! Hape' is helping me, and so is kratomade. I'm so ready to have a clean house though. I just tell myself, "One step at a time..."
I haven't been doing much with my business lately. I've been too busy with DSS , CPS, and other appointments. I want to be able to get some sessions scheduled though.
I'm still waiting to hear from the VA regarding my disability claims, pension, and Aid & Attendance. I'm praying they approve them all.
ADHD medication is in a shortage nationwide. It's going to be Hell when Caleb runs out of his supply.
Bubba is learning how to behave when he is out of his crate. I don't mind Bubba being out of his crate when Caleb is with him. Otherwise, I can't keep my eyes on him to make sure he isn't having accidents in the house.
Nana was feeling better yesterday. Thank God! She suffers so much pain. I need to schedule her Reiki sessions.
I am not drinking Diet Mountain Dew anymore. I am now drinking zero sugar Sprite and sparkling water. Nana told us that soda kills the intestine linings and we all need to quit to drinking so much soda. It's going to be a hard change.
I need to quit vaping. It's expensive and bad for my health. It's a bad habit that is hard to break. I'm looking for alternative breathing devices that will simulate the hand-to-mouth action I am addicted to. I think I have a device I can use on my necklace. I also have a CalmiGo device for my anxiety.
I got my Virta account reinstated. I just need to watch the intro videos and complete the intro appointment.
Now that I am not feeling as much pain, I am hoping to begin walking on my incline trainer again. I just have to clean the living room first.
All my energy is focused on getting this house cleaned, and getting healthier. When I am able to do more, I do more. It's been so long that I have lived with these pains. I am so far behind on my cleaning. I have had so many appointments, that I am hardly home!
It's now 0459. Caleb will be getting up at 0530.
I've got a lot to do. I'm going to go ahead and get my medications ready.
Thank you for reading! Keep us in your prayers! Have a blessed day!
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