Saturday, January 16, 2021

5 Year Journal Day 234

      Today's prompt is "In 140 characters or fewer, summarize your day." Busy.

     It is now 4:15 a.m. here. I don't remember when I woke up yesterday. I know Caleb wanted to go for a walk as soon as I woke up. I had hard boiled eggs for breakfast and took my medications. I remembered to check my glucose before eating. It was 276. I think I woke up around 11:00 or so. I spent a little time picking up the recycling that overflowed around my workspace and my chair at the table. When Caleb came back home from his walk, I asked him if he wanted to go to Harris Teeter. I wanted to go to buy some groceries while they were on sale. 

     We did go to Harris Teeter, and I did buy a good amount of groceries, with everything I bought being on sale. I was proud of myself for the amount of vegetables in my cart. Caleb wanted a bucket of fried chicken, so I bought that too. Salmon was on sale, and so I bought some for Bella. I have cooked salmon for Caleb before, and he did not like it. Stew beef and ground chuck was on sale, so I bought some. Caleb and I shared the bucket of fried chicken while it was hot, in the van. 

     When we came home, Caleb brought the groceries in the house for me. I put away the groceries. I had him take the kitchen trash out to the bin, unload the dishwasher, and unload the dish strainer, but not without an argument. 

     Once he was done, I was able to hand wash the pots and pans, and reload the dishwasher with dirty dishes. I cleaned the stove top and counter top so I could cook. I made Sicilian sausages and zucchini and squash. Caleb did not like the taste of this particular sausage, so I offered to cook the chuck steaks that needed to be cooked. He really liked those! I went ahead and hard boiled a carton of eggs so I would have breakfast ready when I woke up. I cut up Bella's salmon for her dinner. She looked like she really enjoyed it mixed with her veggie mix and kibble. 

     Then I had to put the fresh raw meats I bought for our dinners in freezer bags to to freeze them for later. It was late by then, reaching 9 p.m., which is late for me. I was tired and ready for bed by the time I got all that done. 

     I didn't get my project of cleaning the living room done, but I think I will be able to focus on that today. 

     I got the hard boiled eggs ready for my breakfasts. I have the sausages and zucchini and squash for lunch. I am planning on making a new chicken breast dish in the crockpot for dinner. I cut up all of Bella's salmon for the next few days. I'm good to go!

      It doesn't sound like we did alot, but that stuff is time consuming. 

     Caleb's youtube video just finished that I guess he was playing so he could go back to sleep. I am so glad it is done because those videos are loud! It is nice to have it quiet in here. It allows me to be able to think. It's hard to think when there is someone gaming loudly and being dramatic with screaming and yelling in the background. 

     I am too warm. That is why I woke up and got up. I could not sleep because I was too warm. It is not warm in here. It is 55 degrees in the house. 

     Either my allergies are stronger than the allergy medication, or maybe I have a sinus infection. I need to look it up and ask my PCP. This has been going on since the Fall. I have problems with my right nostril, especially. I get congested, and have large boogers blocking my airways. My right nostril, though, was so dry that it was bleeding. I suspect I have a deviated septum too. I wonder if I had surgery, if that would make my sleep apnea go away, or at least make it better. 

     I have been good about not drinking soda. I think it has been 4 or 5 days now. I am drinking my sugar-free water drinks. I only drink orange juice to take my iron pill in the morning. I do not drink juice other than that because it contains too much sugar. 

     I was not able to quit vaping yesterday. I think I will phase it out by decreasing the amount of nicotine in the e-juice I buy. I can decrease from 6 mg/ml to 3 mg/ml to 0 mg/ml. 

     Bella came to me with her head poking between my legs and the table begging me to go back to bed. I still have to take my iron pill and orange juice, and refill my water bottle.   

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